Emre Cankut Kondakcı – Senior Geologist

Emre Cankut Kondakcı - Senior Geologist

Meet Emre Cankut Kondakcı, IPT’s esteemed Senior Geologist. Emre unveils the intricate geological insights and experience he brings to IPT, showcasing how these elements are essential in successfully navigating the energy indusrty. Watch as Emre discusses the challenges and innovations in geology, and how his work impacts our client’s projects. Discover how IPT leverages Emre’s […]

Clayton Doke – Sr. Petroleum Engineer

Clayton Doke - Sr. Petroleum Engineer

Meet Clayton Doke, our esteemed Sr. Petroleum Engineer. Clayton shares his rich experiences, the intricacies of petroleum engineering, and how his work contributes to the cutting-edge solutions IPT offers. https://youtu.be/arr88Gdq8zA?si=HxWrk–jdmaAN6kn MEET MORE TEAM MEMBERS SPEAK WITH AN EXPERT

Jim Jacobsen – Drilling Engineering Manager

Drilling Engineering Manager

Meet Jim Jacobsen, a key player in IPT’s accomplished team! In this video, Jim unravels the intricate blend of expertise, knowledge, and passion he brings to our work at IPT. Listen as he shares his unique perspective on the oil and gas industry and the innovative solutions we provide for our clients. Experience firsthand the […]

Neel L. Duncan – Managing Director

Neel Duncan, Managing Director, IPT Well Solutions, Energy Industry

Meet Neel L. Duncan, the guiding force behind IPT as our Managing Director. Dive into Neel’s insights about his role and how IPT’s mission empowers clients in the dynamic world of energy. Experience the prowess, expertise, and forward-thinking that empowers IPT to uphold our esteemed legacy and support clients through the increasing energy industry regulations. […]